Development Environment Setup

Development Environment Setup

February 25, 2024
Last Updated
Last updated January 23, 2025


  1. VS Code
  1. Docker Desktop


  1. Terminal: iTerm2 (Mac) / Windows Terminal (Windows)
    1. Import JSON Profile
      1. This includes the following changes within Settings > Profiles > Default:
      2. In Text, increase Font Size to 14px.
      3. In Window, set Style to Maximized.
      4. In Terminal, check Unlimited scrollback.
      5. In Keys > Key Mappings, apply Natural Text Editing preset and update key mapping for OPTION + DELETE to Send Hex Codes: 0x17.
  1. Shell: zsh
  1. Zsh Configuration: ohmyzsh
    1. Theme: powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k
    2. Plugins:
      1. git
      2. docker
      3. docker-compose
      4. zsh-autosuggestions
      5. zsh-syntax-highlighting
      6. you-should-use
  1. Python: uv / pyenv
  1. Node: nvm
  1. Miscellaneous
    1. kubectl
    2. AWS CLI
    3. Azure CLI
    4. Heroku CLI

Shared SSH

Setup MegaCMD with SharedSSH Folder which is synced to the .ssh folder across devices